Unity and Solidarity Manifested as Omanis Denounce Atrocity at the Imam Ali Mosque in Al Wadi Al Kabir

By: Raya Al Maskari

CEO and founder of Omanspire works as a media specialist, quality management, and lead auditor, Raya is also a visual artist and a graphic designer.

Unity and Solidarity Manifested as Omanis Denounce Atrocity at the Imam Ali Mosque in Al Wadi Al Kabir

In a demonstration of unity and solidarity, the people of Oman have come together to condemn a recent heinous act that shook the nation. What initially appeared to be an isolated incident took on greater significance when it was connected to the Imam Ali bin Abi Talib Mosque during the solemn observance of Ashura. Despite their diverse beliefs and backgrounds, Omanis have stood shoulder to shoulder, rejecting sectarian rhetoric and emphasizing a strong, unified front in denouncing the incident and dismissing notions of discord.

The incident in question, known as the wadi al kabir shooting, prompted an outpouring of support and compassion from across Oman. Shiite individuals, who were directly impacted by the tragedy, responded with remarkable composure and grace, refraining from assigning blame and instead focusing on healing and reconciliation. In a touching display of solidarity, a diverse group of Omanis donned Shiite attire as a symbol of unity and cooperation with the affected community.

Remarkably, one of their own valiantly laid down his life in the tragic event, alongside the injured, as a noble gesture in defense of the nation and all its denizens, without distinction among them, which reflects the unwavering spirit of selflessness and unity ingrained within the community.

Historical differences among Shia, Ibadi, and Sunni sects are common among religious groups in Oman and do not imply conflict. The peaceful coexistence that has long characterized Omani society is a testament to the nation’s commitment to harmony and understanding. Recent peace negotiations with the Portuguese, during which the return of endowments belonging to Imami Shia in Sohar was requested, highlight the importance of respecting religious diversity and upholding the rights of all communities.

While some see the event as politically motivated, implying an external conspiracy, the intertwined nature of its political and religious aspects cannot be ignored. Exploiting the religious context of the event poses a threat to Omani coexistence, particularly in places of worship. Protecting all places of worship is vital for fostering harmony among diverse faiths. Thoughtful measures are necessary to prevent escalation and preserve the current peaceful atmosphere.

While Oman currently stands apart from these trials, it is imperative to continuously assess and address them with prudence. Preserving Omani national harmony and scrutinizing our communal dialogue are of utmost importance. This issue should be addressed on a broader scale within the Arab and Islamic realms, prioritizing revitalization over deterioration. The longstanding tradition of Omani national unity is steeped in rich historical origins and is poised to persist. Diligence is crucial in thwarting divisive influences and upholding concord within society.

In the wake of this heartrending event, Oman finds solace in the unwavering resilience and solidarity exhibited by its people—a testament to hope and inspiration. Through their collective unity and steadfast rejection of division, Omanis are reasserting their dedication to a future founded on mutual respect, tolerance, and tranquility. In confronting adversity, the guiding principles of unity and solidarity will illuminate Oman’s path towards a promising horizon, where diversity is cherished, and individual differences are embraced with open arms.

Some information is derived from the book “The Illumination of the Pen” by the author Badr Al-Obeidi.


  • CEO and founder of Omanspire works as a media specialist, quality management, and lead auditor, Raya is also a visual artist and a graphic designer.

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