Has Western civilization reached an end?

By: Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad

Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad is a Bahraini economist and expert in international economic relations. He has published a translation of the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz’s book entitled "The Resounding Fall – Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy".
Hence, Gaza may turn into a legend, for this narrow geographical area, which does not exceed 365 square kilometers, with a population density that is the greatest in the world (8,121 people per one square kilometer, according to the 2023 demographics report <www.demographia.com/db-worldua.pdf>), has turned the world upside down, despite all the attempts of the prevailing Western Mainstream Media (MSM) to obscure the truth about the miracles that Gaza performed and the earthquake it caused. It is not only about the number of Zionist massacres that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of children and women, and not to the size and type of destruction that occurred Gaza’s architecture, its trees, its tillage, its hospitals and schools, its churches and mosques, its sea, its air and sky, but also about the miraculous steadfastness that was demonstrated by the people of this narrow geographical enclave located in the heart of an Arab region that has never known calm and stability since the feet of the colonial white man set foot on it.
It is an epic legend that will excel, with its documented tragedies and with the heroism of its sons, boys, girls, young men, young women, women, and elders, who stood tall, with their feet planted in the mud of that nano (infinitesimal) spot on the globe, undaunted by all kinds of madness that the Zionist inflicted upon their heads for more than five non-stop months. It will surpass – and has already surpassed – everything that preceded it in contemporary history in terms of the miracles of steadfastness that world cities such as Leningrad and Stalingrad in the Soviet Union and the North Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, became famous for.
The current young generations from all countries of the world, including Western youth whose consciousness has been hijacked by the agencies, mechanisms, and personalities of the deep state, have not lived through the scourges of the First and Second World Wars, nor have they touched, closely or remotely, their disasters and misfortunes that befell millions of people all over the world. Today, these young generations, tied up round-the-clock with the latest trends in information and communications technology, are destined to see with their own eyes in Gaza what the scenes of the atrocities and tragedies of the First and Second World Wars mean, which until recently they enjoyed watching on the silver screen or movie screens. It was as if their wellsprings of awareness and perceptions exploded over an impending catastrophe threatening them. Gaza has revealed the truth of the evil characters who rule them and who continue to deceive them with the “sweets” of freedom and the ballot boxes and their exceptionalism compared to other peoples “located” in the southern hemisphere. They were shocked when found out that these unhuman creatures are dangerous to their societies as well as to humanity as a whole…creatures that live in manufacturing wars to rotate the factories of their military-industrial complexes, on killing and bloodshed, to ensure the continuity of keeping the cycle of cash flows in the pockets of their “privileged” elite.
History must attain justice to Gaza by attributing to it the credit of exposing Western leaders who supposedly defend the values of Western civilization, but brought them, instead, to this horrific level of vulgarity and decadence. Gaza is what forced them to reveal what was hidden, and stripped them of one of their most destructive weapons, which is the weapon of “soft gloves” mined with the toxins of alleged modernity, that has become associated with wars, invasions, tensions fabrication in international relations, the “modernist” plundering economy, the commodification and commercialization of humanity and the attempt to turn it into a sensual monster with magical effects that forcefully push it to lose its essence and the meaning of its existence. It is as if Western civilization has suddenly become lunatic and began to act aimlessly, constantly entering into bouts of madness. No one could have ever imagined that this civilization, which provided modern humanity with minds, knowledge, and civilization, could fall into such an extremely dangerous slippery slope.
The West’s successive leaders’ crimes in Gaza are unparalleled in history. They are the ones who stole the land of Palestine gave it to the Zionist Jews and provided them with human, military, economic, and political might. Had it not been for them, Gaza would not have been exposed to this Holocaust, in which the Zionists competed with all kinds of Nazi crimes and the crimes of the Western occupiers of the countries of North America and Africa. Since before the establishment of the usurping Zionist state, they have continuously covered up its crimes, which do not stop for even a single day, against the owners of the land and rights, the Palestinians.

*scandalous moral failure*
It now seems as if it has entered a phase reminiscent of that plunged in by civilizations that dominated the globe and then perished, from ancient Rome to the Ottoman Empire, to the British Empire, as well as the prehistoric civilizations that preceded them, whose moral decline was the starting point for the deterioration of their political, economic and social conditions – signaling its collapse.
America should not be exempted from this inevitable fate, which has almost become a rule. Perhaps it is correct to attribute it to “historical determinism” in the philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (their Communist Manifesto for the World of 1848) regarding human history, which they described as a bitter history of class struggles that make change, in Its sharp turns, inevitably; and what the British historian and university professor Paul Kennedy tried to copy in the same vein (the Manifesto) later (in 1987) in his book “The Rise and Fall of Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000”, but with a reason that seems different in form, but it is identical to the prophecy of Marx and Engels in the essence.
Based on its historical process, this is supposed to happen, despite the fact that America considers itself the heir to all civilizations preceded it, and that it was inspired by the lessons of fall of those defunct civilizations, and that it hedged and self-sealed, with various protection layers to ensure its continuity and eternity. Therefore, it assumes that this should guarantee its immortality, which is also guaranteed, presumably, by the globalization of its civilization, that is Americanization of global civilizations, which found its echo in the intellectual theories of the chorus of its corrupt academic elite, claiming that history has reached its end with American civilization, as Francis Fukuyama proclaimed, who later turned into a mockery of the misery of American philosophical theorization, among Westerners as well as Easterners.
There is no doubt, that America today misses Edward Said, who was always sincere and truthful with it, and through it, with the whole Western “civilizational centralism”, its bitter truth, which it continued to complain about and getting reckless deaf when hearing what it does not like to hear; thus, it continued to suppress all the few voices that were calling for contemplation, review, and re-evaluation of its ultimate disappointing harvesting results. The late Edward Said and his counterparts, American free thinkers and academics, mocked theorists of ruling power, such as Francis Fukuyama, for their participation in “festivals” of “annihilation” and globalization of the exceptional white man’s civilization.
Does this mean that the collective West, with all its mightiness and tyranny, moving, in a vivid and shocking mode, towards the era of first brutality – needs something similar to “an uproar in the ranks of its pure utilitarian philosophy”? Not in the sense that the Lebanese Arab thinker George Hanna intended in his famous book “Noise in the Philosophy Class” – despite the permissibility of computation and projection in a splendid manner in the two philosophical syntheses – but rather in the sense of the West’s descent from the tree of metaphysical exceptionalism, which George Hanna had proposed in his book in 1952, that is before 72 years, where he tackled the conflict existing between metaphysical philosophy and earthly scientific philosophy, in the context of his analysis of human and societal values? This may look possible and reasonable, in light of difficulties in solving its endless crises, the latest of which is its moral crisis that exploded in the face of the world, thanks to the legendary Gaza.


  • Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad is a Bahraini economist and expert in international economic relations. He has published a translation of the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz’s book entitled "The Resounding Fall – Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy".

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