Unveiling the Collapse: Gaza, the West, and the New Global Order

By: Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad

Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad is a Bahraini economist and expert in international economic relations. He has published a translation of the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz’s book entitled "The Resounding Fall – Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy".
It is as if the terrestrial planet entered into a frantic and crazy race with itself, to quickly meet its death. The world had barely recovered from the shock of the “Collective global societal lockdowns” imposed on its entire population by that suspicious virus (COVID-19), the secrets of which are still unknown, when the preludes of the third global war between NATO and Russia on the Ukrainian territory, or a proxy war as the prevailing media narrative goes, exploded in its face, where Ukrainian proxy used to achieve the goals of the Western ruling elites. Astonishingly, as soon as the harbingers of this war began to fade a little after the exhaustion of a large part of the ammunition and the conventional weapons that NATO had saved in its arsenal and the manpower that was thrown into the battle; another big war exploded – this time – in the Arab region (aka as the Middle East as per the Western Orientalist narrative), between the Zionist occupation state, supported by the imperialist West, and the axis of resistance, along an arena extending from Palestine to its Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi neighborhood, all the way through to Yemen in the core heart of the Red Sea, the Arabian sea and Indian ocean. Hence, between the end of the pandemic closures (the end of 2021, but the World Health Organization did not officially announce the end of the global emergency it declared regarding the virus until May 2023), and the outbreak of the Russian-North Atlantic alliance war on Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022, there was only less than a period of two months. They are the only space during which humanity has the opportunity to breathe its freedom, after it has been imprisoned for two years. However, even this narrow time frame was not given to it, as the Western imperialists (with an Israeli front this time) ignited another war between Israel and its ruling Western groups on the one hand, and the Arab resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, on the other.
Now the two wars are raging simultaneously. More than five months have passed since the eruption of the Zionist-Arab-Palestinian war, and more than two years have passed since the outbreak of the Russian-NATO war, where the parties of the latter are engaged forcefully in killing each other to achieve the maximum depletion of their material and human resources, in a race to win the battle – the most prominent title of the outbreak of the Russian Atlantic War on Ukrainian territory can be described as follows: The steadfastness of the Russian economy in the face of the hellish Western economic sanctions, and its rapid shift to the growth cycle <bit.ly/3BcDsrd> contrast to the deterioration and depletion of the European economies according to many standard quantitative indicators, and the achievement of important victories by the Russian army on the battlefield, in contrast to the breaking of the sting of NATO weapons and mercenaries who were thrown into the battle.
In the same vein, the most prominent title that can be extracted from the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the war that broke out today between the fronts of the resistance axis and the Zionist army forces supported by the collective West is that Gaza has brought down the West’s civilization and its false humanitarian claims. At the press conference held by the United Nations in Geneva on Friday, December 8, 2023, to inform the world press about the horror of the Holocaust being carried out by Israel, with the support of the collective West, in Gaza, WHO spokesman *Christian Lindmeier* said that his colleagues in the field told him some “Horrific scenarios” in which people were “begging and crying for water.” He added, in a rare acknowledgment of the truth: “We are now at a level where natural and basic supplies are no longer available. Therefore, we have reached the point where civilization is on the verge of collapse, the whole society is collapsing <bit.ly/491eGVX>”.
By the collapse of civilization, *Christian Lindmeier*, meant, of course, the collapse of the so-called basic conditions of daily human life.. meaning the so-called “Basic needs”, that are food, drink, air, clothing, and housing. But he did not dare to say that this is nothing but a blatant expression and embodiment of the fall of Western civilization, that same “civilization which, from day one of Zionist aggression on Gaza Strip, gave the green light to *Benjamin* *Netanyahu* and his gang to commit massacres without stopping under the pretext of Israel’s right to defend itself. A “suitable” excuse for those practicing political promiscuity, in which Western “civilization” has been wallowing in its mire since its direct involvement in the Russian-Atlantic war that broke out on Ukrainian territory on February 24, 2022.
A few days ago, I posted the following tweet on the X platform (formerly Twitter):
“You are trying in vain to influence the rulers of the West regarding Israel’s massacres in Gaza. Members of its ruling political elite are not statesmen, but rather an extension of the lineage of their colonial ancestors who did to the people of their colonies what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians today.”
The message of this tweet is addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and to the senior officials of its specialized organizations (the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund “UNICEF,” the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations “FAO,” the International Committee of the Red Cross, and human rights organizations), and to decision-makers in the world in general. Especially the decision makers in our Arab lands who have tried and are trying in vain to influence, humanely and morally, the leaders of the West who have the decision to continue or stop the Zionist war against the Palestinian people. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is exactly what its major sponsor, America, previously did to the Native Americans, the indigenous people of North America; as well as what the European imperialists did to the peoples of the countries they invaded and occupied for many years. Whoever produced slavery, colonialism, fascism, Nazism, and racism can only be a supporter of Zionism and its embodiment as a barbaric ideology without religious, moral, or legal limits or deterrents. All that is happening before our eyes, is that history has put Europe once again in the spotlight as countries involved in invading, occupying and exploiting the countries of the Global South, reminding the world of its reality, which it has tried and is trying to falsify with its stupid clichés: “liberalism”, “democracy” and “human rights”; not to mention the so called “International rules-based order”, a system that only Western imperialists know, not only because its name is mined and malicious, but because it is not written in the first place, and its applications indicate it, in terms of shedding the sword of the West’s sanctions and the rest of its political and military forces against any Countries “begging themselves” to disobey it.
As for America, history has never removed it from its spotlight because of its continued waging wars against weak countries and committing crimes against their people. Since the 13 American colonies declared their independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, the United States has been (and still is) at war for 222 years out of 239 years, meaning that 93% of its life was spent waging wars, and it has only lived in peace for less than Only 20 years since its birth <bit.ly/3PorJKd>.
Many signs of Western moral decline and decadence have appeared to the entire world, thanks to the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, and perhaps for the first time in this disgusting and repulsive manner. Perhaps one of the brightest and most disgusting of them is the scene that the world saw of Western leaders flocking one after another to Israel to show their loyalty and support to the entity in which (including its Frankensteinian leaders), they see themselves.
With the slogans of freedom, liberalism, democracy, and human rights, the Western elites, succeeded in waging wars throughout contemporary history, and in establishing a “plutocracy”]1[ system, under which a class of the super-rich monopolizes power and wealth, by domesticating the societies of their own and reducing the opportunity for social mobility of their people to the lowest limit. In rare cases in which a popular bloc rises up against one of the policies of this ruling clique, its forces and soldiers are ready to finish the mission in the shortest time and at the lowest possible cost. This is what Western super imperial capitalism has come to today in its criminal, encapsulated version, crowned with a fully-fledged plutocratic state, with testimony of a large number of its ruling elites and others distributed among a wide range of political spectrum, loyal and non-loyal.
But all of this was revealed today by the miracle of Gaza. The extent to which this horrific plutocratic gang can reach in its crimes has become crystal clear and exposed before the eyes of the whole world and in a documented way with audio and video as never before. For decades, this ruling class families of the Western Hemisphere has left no room for a barbaric clash with the rest of the world without storming it with all its might and usual-old days, along with the new creative “contemporary”, brutality. new in its barbarism. This has been demonstrated, and without puns this time, in:
• Thwarting all attempts by the Security Council to stop the Zionist aggression on Gaza by repeatedly using the veto, suppressing media voices, intimidating them, expelling them from their jobs, and dismissing university presidents (the dismissal of the president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, for not preventing student demonstrations in support of Palestine, and Liz Magill, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, as examples), and summoning by Congress of several heads of institutes and universities to threaten them with the same fate.
• *Elon Musk’s* threat, including the withdrawal of major companies’ advertisements from his “X” platform (formerly Twitter), led to him losing (at least at book value) a third of the amount he paid ($40 billion) to acquire the platform.
• America and Britain stood alone, boldly, against the majority of the world that supported the call made by South Africa in the International Court of Justice against Israel to convict it of committing genocide crimes in Gaza.
Western politicians and their intelligence-oriented media experts did not find a single justification with which they could justify the heinous massacres committed by the Zionists in Gaza. These are crimes that the whole world has witnessed and cannot be hidden, denied, or disavowed. So, they found what they were looking for in the loophole of “the right to self-defense,” which no one knows, at least not yet, which advisory body “genius” advised them to rely on to try to respond to the world’s growing anger, and its multiple questions about the horror of the massacres that Israel committed and is committing in Gaza. This is a reckless, yet at the same time very fortunate and helpful push to fix charges of committing crimes not only on the perpetrator (Israel), but also on those who plead in its defense, and here they are all the leaders of the collective West in the executive and legislative authorities. The occupation has no right to defend itself. This was rightly stated by Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, *Vasily Nebenzia*, in the speech delivered on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, before the emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly dedicated to Palestine.
That same Western “loophole” is, in fact, nothing but a true (“honest”, if you like) expression of what is simmering in the hearts of the members of the Western plutocratic ruling class, of an established internal conviction that Israel, the entity they created, by their routine “technique” of acquisition and plunder economy approaches, which constitute the backbone of contemporary Western civilization, is a “legitimate state”, according to the values of colonialist Western civilization, regardless of what viewpoints and judgments of the rest of the seven billion people of the Earth, and regardless of the decisions of its international institutions, including the decisions of the United Nations relating to this Zionist/racist object, being an extension of the colonies that the West still maintains in other parts of the world. The Golden Billion system sees itself in this Zionist project, which has become a Frankenstein type creature, that exactly suits and matches the whims and standards of “values and morals” of ruling class pillars in the “Collective West.”, who are nothing but an extension of the “products” of Western civilization, which has dominated the universe for more than five centuries, thanks to its barbaric ways of brutality, killings, and bloodshed across the globe.
The people of the Global South seemed stunned, unable to believe what was happening before their eyes and the eyes of the entire world, from the horrific and unbelievable fall of all the masks through which the West had always succeeded in blocking the rest of the world from seeing its reality, before they breathed a sigh of relief, as they were the ones who continued to struggle and offer what was dear and precious to prove that the political systems of the contemporary Western civilization are the legitimate successors of the various systems of government that have been based on invasion, murder, and plunder since the Roman Empire. The current Western leadership does not differ from their previous predecessors with a recent fascist and Nazi past. They are the descendants of those leaders, haunted, like their predecessors, by brutality and superiority, but rather by their hidden secrets, which the heroic Gaza saga has exposed publicly.

]1[ As a term, the word “plutocracy” was first used in 1631 to refer to plutocracy as a form of government in which the ruling class is extremely wealthy, the degree of economic inequality is high, and the level of social mobility is low. In the history of political thought, we will find that some of the world’s leading politicians and thinkers, such as Winston Churchill, the nineteenth-century French historian and sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville, the nineteenth-century Spanish pro-monarchist political thinker *Joan Donoso Cortés*, and the contemporary American thinker *Noam Chomsky*, strongly condemned “Plutocrats” for their indifference to their social responsibilities, and for using their influence and sources of power to serve their goals and interests, thus causing an increase in poverty, entrenching class conflict, and corrupting societies with greed and indulgence in pleasures and indulgences. This is what the contemporary capitalist state has achieved today as a fully-fledged plutocratic state, according to the testimony of a large number of its former and current leaders. If we go back a little, we will find that during the American Revolution, two figures emerged: George Washington, the prominent military figure and the first president of the United States, who headed a party that supported the presence of a strong president and a central government, and Thomas Jefferson, the main author of the Declaration of Independence, who headed a party that favored granting states Greater power, on the theory that this would make states more accountable to the people.

]2[ Super-imperialism, a term that refers to the hegemony of an imperial superpower over its weaker competitors, i.e. sub-imperialisms, before it was revisited in the 1970s, to accommodate the overwhelming American imperial situation, that is the dominance of the American superpower over the system, where sub-imperialisms revolve around the super imperial power, but it is inferior and more submissive and dependent on it. Michael Hudson, the well-known American economist, professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, a researcher at the Levy Institute of Economics at Bard College, and former Wall Street analyst, made a major contribution to the consolidation of the term “super-imperialism”, through his book “Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of US World Dominance ”, the first edition of which was published in 2003. The book is an in-depth study of American financial diplomacy being practiced by the United States through the two major global financial institutions: the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, since it established them in very suspicious regulatory arrangements, as one of its tools for exercising its global hegemony and ensuring the perpetuation of this hegemony.


  • Dr. Mohammed Al-Sayyad is a Bahraini economist and expert in international economic relations. He has published a translation of the American economist Joseph E. Stiglitz’s book entitled "The Resounding Fall – Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy".

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